The Eco-Whale Alliance: what is it?

Mama whale with his baby


The Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park is the best place in the world for whale-watching as it is an essential location for the survival of these marine mammals. Hundreds of them go there each year to get food, after a migration of several thousands of miles. It is therefore essential to preserve this natural habitat.

The Eco-Whale Alliance was born out of the desire of boatmen to adopt a code of ethics, to work together and with other partners (The Marine Park, Research Groups, etc.) in order to put weight on the regulations already put in place by the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, co-managed by the federal and provincial governments.

Croisières AML

Croisières AML is co-founder of the Eco-Whale Alliance! Recognizing the exceptional value of the natural wealth that is the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, it was committed to adopt the highest standards in environmentally responsible practices for marine observation activities, thanks to some twenty performance indicators.

This voluntary and rigorous initiative of the Eco-Whale Alliance brings together tour companies located in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, the Group of Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM), Sépaq and Parks Canada. They have been working together since 2010 to limit the impacts and ensure the sustainable development of whale-watching activities in the marine park[i].

Fonds Éco-Baleine

Created to support research, training, and education activities related to whale-watching activities at sea in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, the Eco-Whale Fund is one of the first realisations of the Eco-Whale Alliance.

Since its creation, contributions to the Eco-Whale Funds have supported several projects worth nearly $225,000 (between 2011 and 2019). Steps are being taken to expand contributions to the fund and are underway to support even more research and development projects in the field of marine mammal science.


Donate to the Eco-Whale Fund, your contributions are precious! 


[i] Eco-Whale Alliance

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